Score the readability of any Spanish text
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (SOL) Formula
The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is a readability test to indicate how difficult a passage in English is to understand. In the 1970s, Dr. Rudolf Flesch collaborated with J. Peter Kincaid, a researcher working for the U.S. Navy. Their goal was to create a readability formula that could match U.S. school grade levels. The formula was developed by modifying the Flesch Reading Ease formula. It was recalibrated to reflect U.S. school grade levels, making it more useful for educational materials and government documents.

The formula for the (English) Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is:
\[ \text{Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level} = 0.39 \times \left( \frac{\text{Total Words}}{\text{Total Sentences}} \right) + 11.8 \times \left( \frac{\text{Total Syllables}}{\text{Total Words}} \right) - 15.59 \] We apply a measure of Spanish Orthographic Length to adapt the formula to Spanish texts.
SOL = -4.51 + 0.74 * (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level)
SOL refers to the number of letters in a word. It's used as a proxy for word complexity, similar to how syllable count is used in English. Spanish has more regular phonetic rules and syllable structures than English. As a result, we can measure word complexity with the number of letters instead of syllables. We match the score of SOL to this table:

SOL Score Reading Difficulty US Grade Spanish Grade Ages SMOG Grade
13+ Very Difficult College Universidad 19+ 13
12 Difficult 12th Grade 2º Bachillerato 17-18 12
11 Slightly Difficult 11th Grade 1º Bachillerato 16-17 11
10 Slightly Difficult 10th Grade 4º ESO 15-16 10
9 Moderate 9th Grade 3º ESO 14-15 9
8 Average 8th Grade 2º ESO 13-14 8
7 Fairly Easy 7th Grade 1º ESO 12-13 7
6 Slightly Easy 6th Grade 6º Primaria 11-12 6
5 Easy 5th Grade 5º Primaria 10-11 5
4 Very Easy 4th Grade 4º Primaria 9-10 4
3 Extremely Easy 3rd Grade 3º Primaria 8-9 3
2 Basic 2nd Grade 2º Primaria 7-8 2
1 Very Basic 1st Grade 1º Primaria 6-7 1